I've let this thing sit and lag for far too long, and really need to get going! Motivate! Motivate! Motivate! Okay. I've gotten that over with.
I decided to take the plunge into the blogosphere based on the writings and teachings of this young lady, Erin O'Brien. A veritable Zen master of the non sequiter, she has also successfully enlightened me on a broad range of subjects, mostly related to Doin' The Wild Thing. There's other stuff in there as well, but hey, you need to stick with what you enjoy the most, y'know?
Anyway. I'm not stuck on much right now, but what I am stuck on is so freakin' cool I can't stand it. I drove out to my local indy record store last week, in search of something new. Damn if I didn't find it! "100 Days, 100 Nights" by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings. This is the real thing, folks. Mid-sixties R&B/Soul the way it was meant to be. Damn this album smokes! The best part about it is that it was released brand new last year.
She's available on iTunes, but just go ahead and buy the CD. There is a bonus disc called "Binky Griptite's GhettoFunkPowerHour", which is a collection of other songs off the Daptone label tied together with some old-timey DJ patter. The reverb alone is worth the price of admission.
I also bought Bob Mould's new album "District Line" on vinyl. Awesome album. The best part is that the label, Anti, has included a coupon which allows you to dowload the album off of the website for free. Best of both worlds, and well worth the price of the album. I saw several albums from different labels that did the same thing.
1 comment:
As I type this, I am wearing the same shirt as I'm wearing in the picture associated with this post.
Downloading some Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings as well.
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